Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lake Powell

Memorial weekend trip to Lake Powell
We had at least 30 people on our houseboat from utah and california. There were maybe 20-30 people on the AZ houseboat as well...so it made for a bIg party of LDS singles! Im pretty sure we hit all four seasons in the last week. On our drive down it was fall with heavy rain which turned to winter and a blinding snow storm. On friday we had the sun trying to break through and warming up the air but soon the rain came again and we welcomed springtime! Sunday was when Summer officially set in. It was a fantastic time all in all but i have a feeling i will need another vacation to help recover from powell!

Above is our campsite, from left to right we have our volleyball court, the AZ Houseboat, Our skiboats, and finally our Houseboat

Tawni went fishing with Tyre...it was amazingly peaceful but still chilly out

I was obsessed with the clouds this trip. Every night they were a different color but always looked amazingly beautiful.

1 comment:

Jon and Melissa said...

Awesome pictures! I LOVE Lake Powell- I am jealous! I really like the picture with all the chairs tipped over.